Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Guy Fawkes Night

I forgot to detail my first "Guy Fawkes" celebration. Well, at about 5pm I arrived home from a shopping trip in Maidenhead...(when in doubt, SHOP!) to find a mound that was at least 12 feet high in the big field about 40 yards from my front door. The neighbors were taking trip after trip of garden cuttings and other burnable, non toxic items to the mound. I went over to get a closer look. On the top of this mound was a scarecrow looking thing supported by a makeshift pole. The "head" was a paper maiche pumpkin looking thing with a hat on it. (The kids down the lane had made it and painted it orange and black.) Anyway, I approached the mound and introduced myself to the two neighbors, John and Rob who were preparing the mound for burning. They said, well, welcome to the neighborhood and to our celebration of burning the Catholics... (at that point I decided to remember not to discuss religion with any of the neighbors!) Anyway, all in all, quite an impressive mound! I returned to my cottage to prepare the brownies and garlic bread that I had volunteered to bring.

The official bonfire was to begin at 6:30pm. (or 18:30 if you are on 24 hr clock)... I left my house just in time to see the whole mound go up in flames... the Guy Fawkes efagy burned quickly, and the rest of the mound kept going. It was quite impressive. We stayed out there until almost 9:00pm, drinking wine and eating off the pot luck table set under a makeshift light. All around us individuals were setting off fireworks, and I mean fireworks...big bursts of color in the sky. Evidently, on any occasion they will shoot off fireworks. People have fireworks at their weddings! Our neighborhood didn't do fireworks because there were too many little kids. Anyway, it reminded me of our neighborhood Fourth of July parties, only with a bonfire.

I was invited back to my neighbor's house were a number of the bonfire watchers were invited for baked potatoes, salad and desert. It was very nice, good conversation and good wine. I found a Califorinia wine from Ironstone Vineyards Cabernet Franc at a local store and brought that as my contribution. Of course, I had to tell them all about the vineyard... Yes, I talk a lot, even to people I don't know... Anyway, it was a great night out for me. I haven't had many since arriving here. Not sure whether they will invite me back... I did give my opinion on Bush and Clinton... (I remembered not to talk religion but I forgot about politics.)

I am still trying to download a picture of the mound... soon to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello. Sounds like you had a good week; new car. burned a Catholic and talked politics with people you hardly know! All in all a lot of stuff to ponder.
Where are you going on your long drive this weekend? Have fun,
We had Steph, Joe and Andre for Dinner last Sunday night, Chris and Steve too, no bonfires or fireworks, or burnig Catholic's, but we had a good time. Steph took the job on Monday, she reported to Katie. She sounded good,
looking forward to seeing you